

recent news:

03/2024: Kathleen Lechleiter, FAIA has been elevated to the American Institute of Architect’s College of Fellows!

08/2023: Ammoora is rewarded an Excellence in Construction Award from ABC Baltimore!
07/26/2023: Poppleton Rec Center has their Groundbreaking Ceremony!
07/18/2023: Our FINAL Two Pints with Twopoint event has been rescheduled for mid-August.
03/2023: Floura Teeter construction is complete!
02/06/2023: Kathleen Lechleiter speaks at the AIA KnowledgeNet & Community Design Webinar.
01/11/2023: Ammoora is officially open!
01/2023: Cherry Hill Light Reduction Home Ownership Initiative breaks ground.
12/17/2022: Prima Dopo is officially open!
08/2022: Flamingo Place construction is complete!
06/25/2022: Kathleen Lechleiter speaks at the AIA Conference on Architecture in Chicago.